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intelIntel Security CenterINTEL:INTEL-SA-00710
HistoryNov 08, 2022 - 12:00 a.m.

Intel® SDP Tool Advisory

Intel Security Center


A potential security vulnerability in the Intel® Server Debug and Provisioning (SDP) Tool may allow information disclosure. Intel is releasing software updates to mitigate this potential vulnerability.

Vulnerability Details:

CVEID: CVE-2022-26508

Description: Improper authentication in the Intel® SDP Tool before version 3.0.0 may allow an unauthenticated user to potentially enable information disclosure via network access.

CVSS Base Score: 4.3 Medium

CVSS Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N****

Affected Products:

Intel® SDP Tool software before version 3.0.0.


Intel recommends updating the Intel® SDP Tool software to version 3.0.0 or later.

Updates are available for download at this location:



The following issue was found internally by Intel employees. Intel would like to thank Xu, Qianjin, Ul Islam and Mohammed Mujahid.

Intel, and nearly the entire technology industry, follows a disclosure practice called Coordinated Disclosure, under which a cybersecurity vulnerability is generally publicly disclosed only after mitigations are available.

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